Selasa, Oktober 22, 2013

Bul'dair Bard Quest - Darkmists

Quest 1:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Pronounced as one letter,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'And written with three, '
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Two letters there are,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'And two only in me.'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'I'm double, I'm single, '
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'I'm black, blue, and gray, '
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'I'm read from both ends,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'And the same either way. '
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What am I?'

Eyeball - High tower of sorcery (in the cauldron)

Quest 2:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'My life can be measured in hours,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'I serve by being devoured. '
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Thin, I am quick '
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Fat, I am slow '
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Wind is my foe. '
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What am I?'

Candle - You can buy one in TZ, Get one in Glyndane Manor or Basilica, There's also one in Primal forest

Quest 3:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'This one is not long, but it will make you think.'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What turns everything around, but does not move?'

Mirror - I'm lazy, so I just go to the queen and get the mirror in the dresser, make sure you have pass door

Quest 4:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'I stand on one leg with my heart in my head.'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What am I?'

Take your pick:
A head of cabbage is carried by Farmer Betty
A head of cabbage is carried by Delilah, the elven shopkeeper

Quest 5:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What fastens two people '
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'yet touches only one?'

Wedding ring - Elvenhame (must be at least level 38 to buy)

Quest 6:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'I am put on a table, cut, but never eaten?'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What am I?'

Deck of cards - From the south gate of Ofcol
n,d,w,w,s,s,s,w,w kill thief

Quest 7:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What goes into the water black and comes out red?'

Lobster - world's fair in Thunder Inn

Quest 8:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'In a marble hall, white as milk,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Lined with skin as soft as silk,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Within a fountain crystal clear,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'A golden apple, doth appear,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'No doors there are to this stronghold,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Yet thieves break in to steal the gold...'

An egg is carried by Alex Goldenwand, the General shopkeeper (I just buy one in Ofcol)

Quest 9:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Two bodies have I,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Though both joined in one.'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'The more still I stand,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'The quicker I run...'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What am I?'

Hourglass - gate to first maid and get the hourglass in the dresser

Quest 10:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'I'm neither fish nor flesh,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'feathers nor bone,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'But still I have fingers,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'and thumbs of my own?'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What am I?'

Gauntlets - I always find one at the sentinels

Quest 11:
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'I'm full of holes but still hold water?'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'What am I?'

Sponge - DDA

Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'You've been tested the best I can.'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'Perhaps in the future I'll more trials for you,'
Bul'dair, the court bard tells you, 'but for now I've none.'
Bul'dair, the court bard waves goodbye to you.

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